I'm Baaaackkk
[2007-09-20] - [7:27 a.m.]
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what's up diaryland?

I'm backkkkkk!

Sorry it has been so long. much has happened-catch up on june's sight for details-but life is goood to say the least. i'm now an expecting father(whew-hoooo)and a part-time pta. I tis the father thing i am most excited and a bit in awe of!!! We are five months in to the whole expecting thing- June is getting out there which is cute in its own right. Lil'n is kicking and re-arranging furniture like her mommy-HA! I have gotten to fell her some and that is nothing short of AWESOME!!!!!-in my best Chandler voice!

June is a PCM Coordinator as of two days ago!! I could not be more thrilled for her to have a job she will love. She has sacrificed all 8 yrs. for me to work in careers i enjoyed or tried to anyway. NOW finally she gets one and it ain't nursing but tech oriented stuff which she loves.
She will be great at it as well
GOD is so unbelievably good. I cried and laughed and praise all the way home yesterday think of how HE has blessed us despite all the crap i've done and we've been through. HE is so faithful and loving and gracious and the list could go on and on!!!!

I am overjoyed too at the thought of being a stay at home dad. At first I questioned skills and mentality to do it. i also questioned whether my mach-male-ego wouldn't eat at me or not. I have come to such peace with all of that. Well maybe I'm still unsure if I have all the skills to be left alone w/ a crying baby w/ extra poopy diapers who just wants her mom's boob but hey doesn't every father have that question. I'll just have to ask it a bit more than some-so. I ask questions more than most about almost everything anyway. Sometimes i think it is b/c i like to learn and then somtimes it just keeps coversations rolling and we all know how i like to talk. look at this entry for pete's sake it is two miles lomg. see ya again soon, i hope.

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before - after