[2007-01-10] - [7:41 p.m.]
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Well once again it has been months since I have set down to pour myself out in this format. So very much has happened. A lot of it just SOS w/ my feelings and wonderings which I now find much easier to talk to June about than prattle on here sometimes. Truthfully i am just lazy though and don't want to re-discuss what I feel like i have been discussing in my head over and over and over! Plus since it has been hunting season I have had plenty of alone time to contemplatively think about life. I have decided I have it pretty good, great actually. The best wife ever, a good job w/ great people, a wonderful life and love affirming family and a newer big nice house. I also know that God loves me no matter what. i don't take that as an excuse to live w/ being conscious of my life and responsibilites but i also don't beat up on me for sometimes being a dick to people, a perve in my own mind, or selfish in my actions and desires. All of which might ne wrong and I must continual keep in check and repent for but none of which abandon me from the marvelous grace of GOD!

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before - after