Worry passes- romance begins
[2006-02-11] - [10:10 a.m.]
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I finally broke down and told my parents about the letter and the subsequent meeting. I told Dad, thankfully, about it last night on the phone letting him know we'd be down for Mom's b-day and that we then had a had a "special invitation" that afternoon. I told him the whole story of coming in to find my new car tag positioned under my supper plate and then June told me we had more interesting mail up stairs on the office desk. You know, he makes a few comments on Ed's inability to admit he is wrong about anything but pretty much doesn't say much or react much at all. He spends more time asking about how expensive car tags are and talking about emissions test in big cities than the situation at hand. He is so passive. I am sure after he explains it to Mom, she'll have all kinds of questions, but for know that little bit of worry is gone. Maybe I make mountains out of mole hills anyway.

Today is going to be a great day! It is our Valentine's day. Really it is the weekend before but I have to work Valentine's day. Work made me the trade of the weekend for one day. Two for one-sure I'll take that any day. If that one day is the only day you celebrate your realtionship and romance then sad. I celebrate mine 365! We do plan to make today special, though! We have great dinner plans, a great place to stay, the day off tomorrow and no set plans other than the dinner except to enjoy each other's company. We really started it last night. While we both seem to be fighting off bugs of somekind, we are determined to enjoy it. The weather seems to be cooperating eventhough they predicted all kinds of winter weather advisories for us last night-all we got was some rain. Any day we can spend this kind of time together is going to be special. I hope we have all kinds of them this year. We are suppose to- they are called Sabbaths- enjoy God and the people of your life w/o work!

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before - after