Just Saw It Off
[2006-01-10] - [10:04 a.m.]
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Wow, my head doesn't hurt! That is saying a lot. For the past two days I have suffered severly w/ my migraines. I have had migraines since I was a teenager or maybe even pre-teen. The last year has been worse w/ them and the last month or two in particular. The migraines being so bad caused me to take way too much ibuprofren and that messed my stomach up. Now off of ibuprofren my stomach is better for the most part but my freaking head is driving me nuts. Sunday was one of the worst ever I think. Saturday as we came in from our date and after watching tv and playing games June and I both had headaches. I went ahead and took a zomig, my resue med. Then somewhere b/t 3-5 am I woke up in terrible pain and took tramadol which did help me to relax and maybe sleep some but by 7 or 8 it felt like my head was in a vice grip and someone was squezzing for all they had. June had been up in her normal night ramblings and had not realized I was suffering until about this time. She came to bed and began administering a little tlc which also helped and she made me take another zomig. She asked at one point if there was anything else she could do and I told her, "yeah, take a saw and start at my eyebrows and end at my occipital lobe". I almost wasn't kidding it hurt that bad. Iwas just glad I didn't have to work until late that afternoon. I kept taking tylenol to dull the ache and made it through. I took another tramadol at bedtime. That's a lot of freaking meds and I could still feel a dull ache. Then yesterday afternoon while watching tv and feeling quite chiper actually, one hit. I mean completely out of no where-then blamo- I am rendered useless for the rest of the day. I am so glad to have an appointment w/ the Neuro doc. tomorrow. I don't want them to find anything really wrong w/ me I just want them to find a cure or way to control my HA's. I wonder if watching Nate on "Six Feet Under" is good for me? I think it makes me paranoid. As I watched the ending to season two on demand yesterday and he was going into cranial surgery all I could think about is I wouldn't look good bald. I really don't believe there is anything that seriously wrong w/ me but a HA that seems to have been around for almost a month will start to make even the sanist guy worry and let's face it I ain't the sanist fellow on the block. So I will pray and hope for the best. June has spring cleaning fever. We also wants to go get our 60 minute massages we got for Christmas and take some stuff to the shelter to help out there. So a full day to say the least.

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before - after