Christmas and meds
[2005-12-30] - [2:45 p.m.]
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Wow! Christmas has come and gone so fast with so much happening. We actually got to spend Christmas this year w/ my mom's family which we missed last year due to work and this Thanksgiving due to work as well. Those times were a first for me and hard. I am relatively close to my family at least as close as most people are anyway. I mean I don't exactly share all my life w/ them or anything but I try to include them more and more in what is going on in my life. There was a time when despite the fact I saw them more often than I do now we were so distant due to so many factors. Anyway my new Cash feddish paid off as it brought one of my uncles, who has been really distant in years past and usually leaves way before everybody else, right into the center of the conversation. He even went and got some of his old tapes of Johnny and we all sang along. My dad had his copy of "Momma's Song Book" in the vehicle and we sang along to it. It drove my cousin who hates country and old hymms nuts, made my Granny cry as she thought of all the loved ones whose funerals those dear songs have been played at, and made all my mom's sister's giggle singing like different people from their childhood memories of church. Everyone took a hand at trying to dance like my Granny used to either at church or when taking the bread out of the oven or when listening to the radio. It is some version of the Charleston, I think. It was fun all day, even our silly bingo for dollar gifts game we play every year now. My uncle's favorite Cash song that his daughter said she remembered him singing all the time was "Rock Island Line" esp. the line about "I fooled you I fooled you". He even had the old Sun Records, when they were actually records, and his daughter could remember seeing the logo turning in the record player. I wonder if he still has those? I would love to have them. My parents got June her curtains and she already had them hanging by the next day. They are beautiful! It makes me feel like I live w/ the Elves in Lord of the Rings-that kind of shimmer and beauty.

We have also had Christmas with June's dad and Hope and Emily. All are well. We enjoyed that time so much. June and her brother Boone set up til after 4am talking of life and old times and what not. They need that.

Now today should be my second day off and the second day of a very successful hunting trip. However, I spent from 11am-5pm yesterday in the ER w/ treatments for these crazy migraines I've been having. I only went to help calm June's fears and then they didn't even do any testing. Apparently a headahce for over a month exaserbating occasionaly esp. in the past two weeks w/ strange smells and never seeming to go away is simply normal! "Just take another med and live w/ it, sonny", is what they should say instead of all the questions and treatment options. Heck if you aren't going to run a test-give me some damn food, caffeine, meds and let me go sleep it off at home instead of sitting here with the sick and puking of the world. Anyway today I feel mostly better but not well enough to do much and suddenly as I type here can feel pain creeping back into my head. More meds! More meds!

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before - after